The Have Faith Community Development Corporation (HFCDC) a 501(c)3 is building on 1000 acres of long neglected woodlands and formerly substandard mobile home park, in one of the most “distressed” counties in this country, according to data issued by the South Carolina Employment Security Commission (ESC).
A Distressed County as defined by ESC, is one with a combination of the highest unemployment rate and lowest per capita income. Bishop DJL Johnson, CEO of HFCDC and the Have Faith family are changing those statistics. This “divinely inspired mission”, as Bishop Johnson described, is to revitalize this old mill town, the lives of those he found here, and the many who followed him and his family from Bellport, New York to launch his ministry here over 17 years ago.
HFCDC has invested over three million dollars into the Alcolu Revitalization District (ARD) to serve single mothers, struggling families, and children from New York and Florida’s foster care system. Planners are now calling on others to make contributions, roll –up their sleeves, and get involved in a worthy project that will reward the new visionaries both financially and spiritually. Be a part of changing lives, and join us, we are looking for partners.
View video above to see how it all began and all the dedicated volunteers that came from near and far to do their part in helping to save a community. We are doing all that we can to complete the Alcolu Revitalization District Project(ARD). Help us to help somebody!!